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Have a look around our website! |
I n t e r e s t i n g P a g e s t o V i s i t |
Progress on the Pender Island Building Project. |
Taffy playing on Pender (A Maggie and Cruiser Puppy) |
Click here to view the "Congratulations on Retirement"
John and Judith retired in June 2007. They have now moved to Pender Island in British Columbia working on building a new home. |
Joy-A-Len Bouviers have been busy in 2018! |
Toby passed his draft tests all three days It was a cold, wet, rainy three days but we had fun! Toby loves his cart. |
Chloe and Allie both earned their Canine Good Citizenship at Bernerfest in Wisconsin! |
Allie, Chloe and Quincy |
GRCH Skyhi's Quietly Making Noise CGC |
Best Brace in Show |
We had an amazing weekend at the Illinois Toy Fox Terrier Club UKC Show in Peoria, Illinois |
Allie earned her UKC Championship, one win toward her Grand Championship and a Best in Show. |
Toby passed his draft test at the American Bouvier des Flandres Club National Specialty at Purina Farms in St Louis, MO in October 2018 |
Allie took 3rd place in her 15-18 Month Puppy Sweepstakes Class at the American Bouvier des Flandres Club National Speciality at Purina Farms in October 2018. |
Allie also placed 1st in the 15-18 Month Class in the Regular Show. |
Caleb and his girls place 4th in the Stud Dog Class at the ABdFC National Speciality at Purina Farms in October 2018. |
Chloe has earned 10 points toward her AKC Championship. |
Lee Ann and Toby have been working hard in many different venues. He has agility tites, obedience titles, rally titles, conformation titles, barn hunt titles, herding titles, and draft dog titles. Once all of these titles are submitted to the American Bouvier des Flandres Club, they can be combined to earn Versitile Bouvier Awards. Toby has accumulated enough titles to earn his Versitile Bouvier Basic, Excellent and Champion Awards. |
Toby earned 2nd place in the Working Dog Class |
It wasn't all dog shows, we went camping for Halloween too. Toby was a Spider hauling a beer cart. |
Thanks for following our journey with us. |
Summer Travels - 2016 |
The youngest at Joy-A-Len Bouviers ... Lucas and Nightly Lucas was helping Lee Ann work on tunnels with Jest in Tyme to Dance All Night |
Lucas enjoys agility as much as the dogs do! |
Fender lives in Calgary, Alberta. He is a Taffy puppy. He made the cover of his local community newsletter! He helps with newsletter deliveries wearing his backpack. |
Joy-A-Len Bouviers are featured in the There is a breed profile article titled |
Thank you Cheryl Ertelt for taking this picture. |
Send us your Photos of your Joy-A-Len Bouviers !
Email photos to Lee Ann at
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